Landspecifieke voorschriften

For the safety of your child, some countries have more restrictions for children traveling with guardians or as an unaccompanied minor. Review the following child travel guidelines for travel from select countries or refer to the U.S. Department of State’s travel website for more information.


Per Brazilian legislation, Brazilian citizens under the age of 18 and traveling without both parents are required to present additional documentation in order to depart Brazil.This requirement also applies to minors with dual nationality or those born in Brazil and who are not Brazilian citizens.

Bronnen: For more information regarding Brazil’s documentation requirements, please click on the link below or contact the consulate in the child’s country of residence.

Requirements for passengers under the age of 18:

  • Passengers who are traveling with only one of the parents/legal guardians must have a notarized letter with authorization from the other parent/legal guardian
  • A passenger traveling alone or accompanied by someone other than the parents/legal guardians must have a notarized letter with authorization from both parents/legal guardians
  • Judicial authorization will be required for travel of Brazilian citizens under 18 if accompanied by an adult that is not a Brazilian citizen and resides abroad, provided (1) such adult is not the parent/legal guardian of the minor or (2) the minor, though born in Brazil, does not have Brazilian citizenship

Uitzonderingen: Authorization is not required for minors traveling with both parents or non-Brazilian citizens that were not born in Brazil.


Minors under age 14 traveling to or from Canada have the option of sitting next to or near a parent, guardian or tutor. Delta makes every reasonable effort to seat children in close proximity to caregivers according to age group:

  • Minors under 5: Adjacent seating.
  • Minors aged 5–11: Same-row seating with no more than one seat of separation.
  • Minors aged 12 or 13: Seated with no more than one row of separation.

Accommodations may require seat reassignment, and a Delta agent will reseat eligible passengers in these circumstances based on availability. Accommodation may include requesting other passengers to voluntarily change seats at the time of boarding and before takeoff, and as such, cannot be guaranteed. Opmerking: While promoted system-wide, these arrangements pertain only to minors flying to or from Canada.

If an adjusted seating arrangement results in relocation to a different cabin class, passengers will be reimbursed for the difference if in a lower class of service or asked to provide supplementary payment if a higher class of service is selected, depending on the difference in service level for that cabin.

Dominicaanse Republiek

Dominican citizens and legal residents under the age of 18 traveling alone or with only one parent, legal guardian, or authorized representative must have a minor travel permit to exit the country. Other specific situations for traveling minors may also require a minor travel permit to exit the country. This requirement does not apply to Dominican citizens who are also citizens or legal residents of another country and have stayed in the Dominican Republic for less than 6 months. Authorization is not required for minors traveling with both parents or to non-Dominican citizens or legal residents. Review all requirements from the government of the Dominican Republic.


All unaccompanied minors of Italian citizenship under the age of 14 that are traveling internationally are required to have the following documents:

  • Individual passport (according to the Ministerial Circular n. 400/A/2012/23.1.3 attached)


  • “Dichiarazione di accompagno” duly authorized by the Police Authority (“Questura”).

The current regulation applies to: 

Italian citizens under 14 years traveling as an Unaccompanied Minor (Requirement)

  • In addition to a passport, the passenger must have a notarized affidavit from the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child confirming that the minor has permission to travel as an unaccompanied minor.
  • This document must be signed by the parent(s) or by the legal guardian(s) and authenticated by the Police Headquarters (Questura) and include the name of the airline to which the minor is entrusted.


  • Authorization is not required for minors traveling with parents.
  • Authorization is not required for non-Italian citizens.
  • Authorization is not required for UMNR 14 years and older.

The “Dichiarazione di Accompagno” forms are to be prepared and held by the unaccompanied minor, in the unaccompanied minor envelope with their passport. Find more information on traveling as an unaccompanied minor.

Copies of the declaration are to be retained by the origination station for 5 Years. Click on the recommended authorization form for Passengers to follow in Italian.


Customers under 18 traveling to Ireland without an accompanying parent or guardian need the following documents for entry, as outlined on Ireland’s Immigration website:

  • A signed letter from the parent or guardian authorizing the child’s travel, including contact details
  • A copy of the parent or guardian’s passport or driver’s license, showing their picture and details 
  • A birth or adoption certificate, guardianship papers or a death certificate if a parent is deceased 

For non-residents (in addition to the above): 

  • The full address of where the child will be staying 
  • The contact details of who will be hosting the child

Upon arrival, immigration officials may verify the relationship between the child and the adult(s) meeting them at the airport before allowing entry into the Republic of Ireland.


Any passenger under 18 traveling alone to or from Mexico must have a notarized letter with authorization from a parent and translated in Spanish, otherwise they will be refused entry. Review all requirements from the government of Mexico.


Passengers traveling with minors (including unaccompanied minors under the age of 18), may be required to present additional documentation in order to enter or depart the Republic of South Africa. Review all requirements from the government of South Africa.

The amended regulation applies to minor travel if:

1. Both parents are traveling with the minor – (Requirement)

Where the minor is a South African national, in addition to a valid passport, parents need an original stamped or sealed birth certificate or certified copy.

Where the minor is a foreign national,a valid passport is all that is required.  See additional details under the “Exemptions” header below.

2. One parent is traveling with a minor – (Requirement)

Where the minor is a South African national, in addition to a valid passport, the parent needs an original stamped or sealed birth certificate or certified copy and one of the applicable items below:

  • Parental consent letter from the non-traveling parent listed in the birth certificate — authorizing minor to enter or depart from South Africa.  To be valid, the parent consent letter must not be older than six (6) months from the date presented and must include contact details and a copy of the passport of the non-traveling parent.
  • For a sole parent or legal guardian: a court order that indicates full parental responsibilities/rights or legal guardianship
  • Where applicable, a death certificate of the other parent who is registered as the parent on the birth certificate

Where the minor is a foreign national, a valid passport is all that is required. See additional details under the “Exemptions” header below.

3. Persons traveling with a minor that is a South African national who is not their biological child – (Requirement)

Where the minor is a South African national, the following documents are required:

  • Valid passport for minor
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate
  • Parental consent letter from the parents or legal guardians of the minor confirming that minor has permission to travel with non-related person
  • Copies of the identity documents or passports of the parents or legal guardian of the minor
  • Contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the minor
  • Where applicable:

    • A certified copy of the death certificates of the parents who are registered as the parents on the birth certificate
    • A certified copy of the adoption order granting full parental responsibilities / rights or legal guardianship
    • A court order that indicates full parental responsibilities / rights or legal guardianship

Where the minor is a foreign national, a valid passport is all that is required.  See additional details under the “Exemptions” header below.

4. Unaccompanied minors – (Requirement)

  • Valid passport for minor
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate
  • Parental consent letters from the parent(s) / legal guardian(s) authorizing travel into/out of South Africa
  • A copy of the identity document(s) or valid passport(s) of the parent(s) / legal guardian(s)
  • A letter from the person receiving the child in South Africa; containing their South Africa residential address and contact details and where the child will reside
  • A copy of identity documents or valid passport (and where applicable, visa or permanent residence permit) of the person receiving the child in South Africa
  • Parent/Legal guardian contact details
  • Where applicable:

    • A certified copy of the death certificates of the parents who are registered as the parents on the birth certificate
    • A certified copy of the adoption order granting full parental responsibilities / rights or legal guardianship
    • A court order that indicates full parental responsibilities / rights or legal guardianship

5. Child in Alternative Care –(Requirement)

Where the minor has been placed in foster care, temporary safe care, or care of a child and youth care center following an order of a court in terms of the Children’s Act, 2005, or the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Alternative Care), the following documents are required:

  • Valid passport for minor
  • Letter from the Provincial Head of the Department of Social Development where the child resides authorizing departure from South Africa


  • South African minors traveling on South African passports may travel to and within South Africa without birth certificates.
  • Minors in possession of valid South African visas are not required to produce identity documents already submitted as part of their visa applications when traveling through a South African port of entry (e.g., a birth certificate).
  • Where a minor has a passport that contains the details of their parent(s), the minor is not required to produce a birth certificate as well
  • School tours — South Africa immigration will accept a letter from the school’s Principal to cover all minors on a school tour.
  • Birth certificate and additional documentation is not required for those transiting South Africa.