Onze toewijding om veilig samen te vliegen

The Delta CareStandard℠ focuses on creating a safer travel experience for everyone. As part of that effort, we’re requiring all customer-facing employees to have their temperature checked before reporting to work and to wear a face mask at all times. We are also now requiring all customers to confirm at check-in that they and any persons in their itinerary do not have symptoms of, have not knowingly been exposed to, and have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, and that they will wear a face mask or covering throughout their travel.

If you cannot comply with these requirements at the time of your trip, you will be asked to adjust your travel plans to a time that will be safer for you to fly.

Uw toewijding aan veiligheid

1.  Customers who have knowingly been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days may not travel.

To protect the safety of all our customers, we cannot allow anyone to fly who knows they have been exposed to COVID-19 in the past two weeks. To travel with us, you must agree that you are not aware that you and, to your knowledge, those in your itinerary have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Exposure is considered:

  • Any face-to-face contact with an infected individual, or
  • Sustained contact for 15+ minutes, at less than 6 feet, within 48 hours prior to the individual’s symptom onset or while symptomatic

View the , opens in a new windowCenter for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance for definition of exposure, opens in a new window to make sure it is safe for you to fly.

2.  Customers diagnosed with COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be permitted to fly.

To protect the well-being of all of our customers and employees, we ask that you and those in your itinerary make an evaluation of your health prior to travel.

By traveling with us, you commit that you and, to your knowledge, those in your itinerary have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 via a PCR test within the past 14 days (counting from the test date). You also commit that you and, to your knowledge, those in your itinerary have not experienced onset of any primary COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days:

  • A fever of 100,4 degrees F or higher
  • Feeling feverish
  • New persistent coughing
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties

View the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s full list of symptoms, opens in a new window to make sure it is safe for you to fly.

3. For everyone’s safety, customers are required to wear a face mask.

It is Delta’s policy and federal law that all customers wear face masks at all times throughout flight, including during boarding and deplaning, while in the airport and during public transit. Children under the age of two are exempt from the mask requirement. A surgical or medical mask, cloth mask with tightly woven fabric, or valve-free respirator (N95 or KN95) mask is recommended. 

We recommend reviewing Delta’s full mask policy, which includes more information on masks or face coverings that are not permitted.

Als u problemen ondervindt met deze verplichtingen op de luchthaven of aan boord, vraag dan een gesprek aan met een medewerker voor klachtoplossing (Complaint Resolution Official, CRO). Deze Delta-vertegenwoordigers zijn getraind en staan klaar om u te helpen.

Als u om deze redenen niet kunt vliegen

If you cannot complete the health acknowledgment, you will be offered flexibility to cancel or change your flight to a later date when you can fly safely, and any change fees will be waived. If you cancel your flight, you will be issued an eCredit that can applied toward future travel with Delta. Houd er rekening mee dat als u uw vlucht wijzigt naar een andere datum of bestemming, er een tariefverschil van toepassing is.