Beschadigde, vertraagde of verloren bagage
We're sorry you're experiencing an issue with a checked bag and apologize for the inconvenience. To help resolve your issue, select the option below that best describes your scenario.

Damaged Baggage, Go to footer note
If your bag was damaged in transit, you can submit a claim to potentially repair or replace it.

Delayed Baggage, Go to footer note
If your checked bag is delayed and not at baggage claim when you arrive, make a report so we can help you find it.

Lost Baggage, Go to footer note
If your checked bag isn’t found within 21 days of your arrival, it is likely lost. We can help you get reimbursed for your bag.

Missing Items from Checked Baggage (Pilferage), Go to footer note
If items are missing from your checked bag after arrival, submit a claim to request reimbursement.
Review Guidelines for Damaged, Delayed or Lost Baggage
Resources to help you manage bag disruptions are below. Whether your bag is delayed, damaged, lost, or items are missing from your checked bag, we’re here to help.