Don't worry, we can remind you.
Your SkyMiles number is that 10-digit number that appears on your SkyMiles card.
If you've forgotten or misplaced your SkyMiles number, and you have an email address stored in your profile, we can email your SkyMiles number to you. You can start the process here.
If you are a former WorldPerks® member and you don’t remember or have your new SkyMiles account number, you can look up your SkyMiles number by entering your previous 9 or 12 digit WorldPerks account number.
If you don't have an email address on file you can call 800-323-2323 from within the U.S., the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and Canada. From all other areas, call your local reservations office. You'll need to provide your current address and date of last account activity when you call.